Course Syllabus

On Ramp – Course Syllabus

Accelerating your ministry while taking care of the business of your church.

Instructor: Eleza Miller

I am a career administrator and an accidental minister. I have worked with The Foursquare Church for fifteen years in a variety of administrative positions. Ironically, when I was in Catholic high school, I wanted to be a nun. Little did I know the plans the Lord had for me! I currently serve as the District Administrator for the Heartland District.

I am a wife to my husband, Conrad, and mother to two daughters, Camilla and Tabitha. Balancing it all is a challenge, but, if I have free time, I love scrapbooking and as a family we love to travel.

I am a Lifeforming Growth Coach and look forward to coaching our transitioning pastors as they take their new role. My greatest accomplishment is when I can help a Pastor make administration “easy”, where it is no longer a mystery and makes sense.

Course Purpose:

The purpose of this course is to help those accepting the call to lead a church to also accept the responsibility as chief executive officer of their own small business. The work of the ministry often leaves the “ad-ministry” to the back burner or to a variety of volunteers. In this course we will learn how important the senior leaders role is in understanding how the administration of the church accelerates the work of the ministry by making it more efficient and effective. We will learn about and use all of the resources The Foursquare Church has developed to support the local church administratively so your ministry to your community can thrive.

Participants: This course is for Senior Pastors, Assisting Ministers, Executive Pastors, Church Treasurers, and Administrators/Secretaries.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Knowledge and use of The Foursquare Church Admin Toolkit.
  2. Knowledge and use of the Foursquare Bylaws and Handbook for the Operation of a Foursquare Church.
  3. Understanding the role administration plays in the daily work of the ministry.
  4. Understanding and application of church/clergy compensation and HR practices.
  5. Understanding and proficiency in using The Hub and completion of Foursquare Monthly Church Reports.
  6. Understanding and implementation of church finance and accounting procedures.
  7. Developing a relationship between the senior pastor and church council.
  8. Understanding and implementation of child and youth protection policy at the local church.

* These resources are exhaustive. You may not be reading or using these resources in their entirety but you will be introduced to each one so you are familiar with their existence to assist you in your ministry.

Learning Environment:

The learning environment for this course will take place primarily online using the online management system known as Canvas.  Participants will engage in weekly learning activities that will lead to further understanding of and implementation of administrative procedures in the local church.  Learning activities include:

 Weekly video/resource review.

  • Weekly discussion - The true benefit of a learning environment like this is that you get to learn from each other.  The weekly discussions allow you to process information and share insights with one another in a safe environment.
  • Weekly Project - often times the discussion will be combined with the weekly project.  The project is designed to help you make the administrative process “relatable” in your local church.

 Participants should expect to spend 5 hours per week on the course.

Some tips that will help you throughout the course are:

At the onset of the course you will be assigned to work with a peer participant in the course.

Unless otherwise instructed all initial responses to the discussion questions should be completed by midnight on Thursday of that week.

  • Initial responses should consist of a well thought out answer to the question(s) proposed. It is best to type out your answer in a word document and save it to your computer and then cut and paste the response into the discussion board. This way you will have access to all your answers on your computer.
  • Each discussion question is meant to help you think through a practical step of implementing an administrative procedure at your local church.
  • Within each discussion you will be asked to respond to at least two other posts made by your fellow cohort participants (one to your peer and to one other). These responses should be completed by midnight on Sunday. The sooner you do these the better because that way there is time for a conversation to develop.
  • Responses given to other participants must make a significant contribution to the discussion. This means comments like “Good job”, “I like what you said” or “Thanks” are not sufficient. It would be helpful in your response to mention things you like and why, to ask questions of clarification, or even to politely disagree.   This will give the person the opportunity to wrestle through why they said what they said and clarify.
  • Don’t be a perfectionist. Learning is more than just retaining information. There is a process of transformation that takes place in learning that happens below the surface as we participate in the different learning activities.
  • During the course you will be asked to make appointments to meet with individuals in your church and/or community. Please read the course schedule in its entirety so you can begin to think of who you will want to invite to meet with you so that you can schedule the appointment for the corresponding week of the course.

Course Schedule:

Week 1:

Administrative Orientation for Pastoral Leaders (Video) – Introduction - Biblical principles of stewardship illustrating the role of administration in the church; Administrative Orientation Video – Module 3 – Administration; Oversee God’s People (Croft and Butler) – Read Part 1: A Biblical Imperative: The Calling from Scripture; What I Wish I’d Known About Transitioning a Church from Leading and Loving It (Video) [from a female leader’s perspective but applies to all].

Discussion Question 1: On page 16 of Oversee God’s People, Croft and Butler say, “We believe there is one primary misunderstanding about administration and delegation in the local church, one that is held by many in pastoral ministry. They wrongly believe that the work of administration and delegation is something separate or distinct from their shepherding task.” Have you believed this to be true? After reading Part 1 and viewing the Administrative Orientation for Pastoral Leaders video, do you agree that “administration” is part of the role of shepherding? Please describe how your understanding has or has not changed. Would you include the role of CEO (Chief Executive Officer) in the job responsibilities of the Senior Pastor of your church and how would you define that responsibility?

Discussion Question 2: Of the things mentioned in the video series, what was one thing that you had not previously considered or was new information to you? How does this information impact you or your church? What change will it cause you to make in how the role of Senior Pastor is fulfilled in your church?

Assignment: Meet with a business leader in your church or community and ask them what qualities/characteristics they look for in a CEO. If there were qualities you would like to enhance in your life, ask if this business leader will help coach you. Commit to praying for one another.

Have a conversation with your cohort peer and compare notes regarding your meeting with the business leader. Commit to praying for each other during this process.

Week 2:

Church Compensation and HR Practices (Video Series) – Modules 1-4 - Best practices and tax considerations concerning compensation and hiring employees; Oversee God’s People (Croft and Butler) – Read Part 2: An Administrative Essential: Look to the End Goal.

Discussion Question 1: According to the videos do you feel your church is following the law regarding compensation and human resources practices? Describe how it is or is not. What have you been doing that needs to change?

Discussion Question 2: In what ways may you need to change your compensation plan?                                                    

Assessment - Are you and the employees at your church, if applicable, hired properly? Does each licensed minister, including the Senior Pastor have his housing allowance approved by the church council annually? If I asked you to locate your most recent church council minutes or the council minutes from 6 months ago, could you? Has your 2016 housing allowance been approved by the council? If you do not have a church council, do you know who should approve your housing allowance? Please write a brief response to this Assessment and discuss with your peer. How can you keep each other accountable? Continue to pray for one another.

Week 3:

The Hub - Using the national Foursquare database, The Hub, to manage information regarding your church. The Foursquare Bylaws state, "The Senior Pastor is responsible for the finances of the church". Furthering the understanding that as the CEO of your church it is important to understand the numbers. Oversee God’s People (Croft and Butler) – Read Part 3: A Practical Necessity: What Does Faithful Oversight Look Like?

Discussion Question 1: How often do you review the financial reports for your church? Do you and your council understand the reports? Do you know that you can approve the monthly report before it is submitted each month? Please explain any best practices you have developed or challenges you have faced. Do not be afraid to be honest.

Discussion Question 2: Do you know the average attendance of your main service(s) and other weekly activities? Do you know the actual membership of your church?  Do you know the difference between attendance and membership? You can find the membership criteria in the Bylaws and Handbook for the Operation of a Foursquare Church. What other numerical statistics would be helpful for you in managing your church?    

Assignment - Using your Hub login/password (refer to The Hub video trainings on the Admin Toolkit, if necessary, to learn how to navigate The Hub and to review the instructions for entering the Financial and Missional monthly reports), complete your most recent monthly report not yet completed (work alongside your treasurer/bookkeeper); Describe the four (4) monthly stewardship criteria required of every church and describe your level of commitment in keeping this covenant relationship; Do you know the amount of your property insurance deductible whether you have Foursquare or outside-Foursquare insurance?

Compare best practices/challenges with your peer. How can you work together to hold each other accountable? Commit to praying for one another. Commit to praying for your administrator/treasurer or praying for administrative support if you need it.

Week 4:

Admin Toolkit – Financial Tools - Using the financial tools provided by Foursquare to help you manage your church. General awareness of where various forms and useful financial management tools are located. The opportunity to take advantage of benefits provided to ministers of The Foursquare Church.

Discussion Question 1: After reviewing the “Collected Offering Double Custody Workflow” - do you have a procedure in place to be sure the offering is never left alone with one individual? What is the reason for internal controls like the Collected Offering Workflow or the Check Request? Tell us who in your could be assigned to the roles as outlined in these workflows.

Discussion Question 2: After reviewing the 1099 and W2 Wizard, which positions in your church are being paid as a 1099 but should be paid as an employee (W2)? What steps will you take to correct this?

Discussion Question 3: What percentage of your church budget is consumed by building and related costs? What percentage of your budget is “personnel”? What percentage of your budget is dedicated to mission? If you do not have a budget, prepare one using the basic Quickbooks budget found in the Toolkit. What changes would you like to make to your budget so that more of your giving can be dedicated to mission? Work with your church staff and if you need more help seek the advice of an accountant in your congregation or community. Describe how your meeting went and one piece of advice you were given that you will act on.


a) Read the church financial review provided. After reading, consider whether or not your church has committed or is in danger of committing any of the financial infractions noted. What remedies recommended in the review could you implement in your church?

b) If you have not yet signed up for the Foursquare Retirement Plan, do so

c) Compare budgets with your peer and commit to challenging and praying for one another.                            

Week 5:

Foursquare Bylaws and Operating Policies – Church Council Training (Video) - Awareness of the role of the Senior Pastor and his working relationship with the Church Council. Understanding of how the Bylaws and Handbook for the Operation of a Foursquare Church work together.

Discussion Question 1: Review the Church Council Training Video and the Council sections of the Bylaws (Article 16) and Handbook (Section 16), how are the duties of the church council in relationship to the Senior Pastor shared? How long should a council member serve? How long have your council members been serving? What is your plan to hold council elections?   What section are the duties of the Senior Pastor described? Is there anything in the description that you were not aware?

Discussion Question 2: When was the last time you went on a family vacation? When was the last time you had a physical exam? Do you have regular days off?                

Assignments: Arrange a special meeting with your church council to review the council training video. Have a meal or get together with your council (either together or individually) to just get to know one another.

Discuss with your peer the outcome of the meeting with your council. Did you realize any positive changes in your relationship? Pray for one another and your councils.

Week 6:

Admin Toolkit – Child and Youth Protection; A Look Back (Video) - Understanding the importance of implementing a child and youth safety policy and the requirement to background check all workers every three years.   As an end to our study, look back to our founder’s beginning to determine the cause we are founded unto.

Discussion Question 1: Review the Child and Youth Protection series with your staff and volunteers. Read the Child and Youth Protection manual in its entirety. Audit your volunteers to be sure all have a background check within the last three years. What is your process for training/background checking new volunteers? What are the necessary documents to collect and retain for child and youth workers? Because Foursquare has a stated process to be followed, it is critical that every church follow this process. If not, and an incident occurs, the local church and the larger corporation (ICFG) could be held liable because the process was not followed. This is something to be aware.

Discussion Question 2: Review your child and youth rooms - assess the logistics - are strangers prevented from gaining access to this area if they do not have the proper credentials? If not, create a plan to make the necessary changes. Describe your logistics or provide a map to share with your peers.              


Final Assignment:

Watch the video "A Look Back”–

What is the cause Sister Aimee McPherson said we are founded unto? As a single mother, evangelist, and overseeing a ministry that at its height had 21 services a week, a Bible College, cutting edge dramatic productions and the construction of Angelus Temple, how do you think she administratively managed her ministry? Imagine, if you were she, how would you do it?

For presentation at our retreat: Now, tell your own story - here are some questions to consider in the development of your story (do not answer questions individually, but tell your story in writing, video, or pictures): Can you clearly articulate the vision for your church? What percentage of your membership understands the vision? What is the mission or purpose of your church? What goals and objectives do your church have for its future? How would you describe your best practices? What cutting edge ministry is your church involved? Name two area of your ministry that could use immediate improvement. What was the last major, planned change that took place in your church? How open was/is your membership to change?

Come to the retreat prepared to tell your story in 4 minutes or less! 

Course Summary:

Date Details Due